I love all kinds of books but my favorites are romance, paranormal and classics.
I’m coming late to this party and I’m shocked I hadn’t seen anything about this anywhere, not even in in the Goodreads Feedback group, until now, in GR status updates. [1][2][3][4]
Two power users, JennyJen (Twitter, Booklikes) and Marco Manganiello (Facebook), who had hundreds of followers and reviews, initially had their reviews deleted based on the images in their reviews, which were flagged by other users for supposedly contravening GR’s arbitrary policy against nudity and anything remotely risqué or controversial, like semi-naked men kissing. The horror! The horror!
Crashing the Net is a great coming out story. Mike is on his own for the first time at the age of 22 when he meet his new team mate Alexei. Alexei tries to fight his attraction to Mike. While Mike deals with his parents not knowing he is gay.
The relationship between Ellie and Tyson moves fast. They meet and then a couple of hours later he is at her house eating and making out with her. On day two she is at his parents house for the family barbeque. Then he can't understand why she does not trust him enough to tell him the truth. It takes more than two days to know if you can trust someone with your life.
Claire just told Brianna and Roger that "Well, the fact is, I walked through a bloody cleft stone in that circle in 1945, and I ended up on the hillside blow in 1743." - Dragonfly in Amber by Diana Gabaldon