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Bibliophilia's Blog

I love all kinds of books but my favorites are romance, paranormal and classics.

Currently reading

Shifting Shadows: Stories from the World of Mercy Thompson
Patricia Briggs
Progress: 361/450 pages

Under One Roof

Under One Roof - Diana DeRicci Way to short. The begging of the book had a nice steady pace but the end seems to be rushed. Would have been much better if it was long and there was more to the back ground stories.

Dealing With the Dead

Dealing With the Dead - Toni Griffin It is a great short story. I wish that there was more details and it was longer. I was glad to see that Jayden's brothers started to make an effort in knowing and understanding their youngest brother. Cant wait for the next one in the series.

Breaking Out

Breaking Out - Garry M. Tuckwell A coming out story that shows how hard it can be for some and "easy" it is for others. Justin's family is very supportive and his older brother Dan has some great advice.

Sacking the Quarterback

Sacking the Quarterback - Carol Lynne You can't help but cry for Julian and some of the other guys in this book. Julian was verbally, physically and sexually abused by his father as a kid and now feels like he does not deserved to be loved by Koby. I couldn't help but cheer for Koby when he beats the crap out of Julian's father. We never do get all of Julian's story. Koby had never been loved by anyone, even his own parents fought over who would be stuck with him, until he met Julian. I wish the book was long and gave more of the back story of the characters.

Love in the Spotlight

Love in the Spotlight - Zoe Lynne Love in the Spotlight is a sweet, touching and heart warming coming out story. Thorne is a shy lead singer in a band, who is hiding who he is from his best friend and band members until he meets Steven. When the description of the story said that if has m/m and m/f romance situations it does not mean sexual situations.

Unexpected Mate

Unexpected Mate - Toni Griffin Unexpected Mate is like most shifter books. It is a fast short read and [a:Toni Griffin|4552803|Toni Griffin|http://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1345863740p2/4552803.jpg] leaves you hanging and hoping that you have the next book,[b:Determined Mate|10219671|Determined Mate (Holland Brothers, #2)|Toni Griffin|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1308932900s/10219671.jpg|15119299], so you can jump right in see what happens next.